Year 7 visit to the British Museum

In the storyline of our Latin textbook, Who Said Latin’s Dead, the protagonists must travel to Vindolanda and enter in contact with the Roman soldiers stationed at Hadrian’s Wall.
Hopefully, our boys will be able to relate better to what Megistos, Olivia, Lucius and Guy saw in their travels after the visit to the exhibition Legion: Life in the Roman Army. The items on display, gathered from museums all around the world, gave evidence of the strict training and the harsh conditions experienced by Roman soldiers, while also explaining what made them such a successful weapon and also why it was seen by some as a way to change their social status.
Alongside scabbards, swords and javelins, our boys were able to see items which showed a more human side: a leather shoe, a red woollen sock, a tunic, letters written in Vindolanda asking for clothing to protect them from the cold weather or including an invitation to a family party. They also had a glimpse of some of the tests needed to be considered for recruitment, such as height and strength. All were relieved to know they would not yet have been tall enough, but still enjoyed trying to lift the weights to prove their muscle power.
Funerary stones gave details of ‘normal’ people. Interactive stations and the opportunity to smell and touch items present in everyday life of those who lived at that time, along with playing games they enjoyed were predictably, very popular with our group.
This was a splendid exhibition which will remain at the British Museum until the 23rd of June and I would encourage all to visit, if the opportunity arises. My thanks go to Mrs Bailey, Mrs Duncan, Mr Orr and Mr Bruce for accompanying us.
Laura Brill
Head of Classics