Fees, bursaries, scholarships
Fees for Academic Year 2024/25 and Academic Year 2025/26
From 1 January 2025 onwards, value-added tax (VAT) will be applied to school fees. We have updated our fee schedule accordingly to reflect these changes.
Education, Boarding and Items closely related to education
Lent Term 2025 |
Summer Term 2025 |
Academic Year 2025/26 (per term) |
Pre-Preparatory (Reception) | £ 4,910 | £ 4,910 | £ 5,155 | |
Pre-Preparatory (Years 1-2) | £ 5,008 | £ 5,008 | £ 5,257 | |
Year 3 | £ 7,970 | £ 7,970 | £ 8,353 | |
Day boys (Years 4-5) | £ 9,199 | £ 9,199 | £ 9,655 | |
Day boys (Years 6-8) | £ 9,329 | £ 9,329 | £ 9,792 | |
Boarders (Years 4-8) | £11,859 | £11,859 | £ 12,455 | |
Choristers/Quiristers | £ 7,115 | £ 7,115 | £ 7,473 |
OTHER FEES & CHARGES for Academic Year 2024/25
Breakfast Club is charged at £6.50 (Year R - Year 3) per session or £10.00 (Year 4-8) per session.
After School care is £15.00 per session for Pre-Prep (from 1630 - 1800), or for Prep it is £10.00 (1800-1830) or £18.00 (1800-1930).
Disbursements and Extras
- Any additional costs are kept as low as possible and most activities beyond the classroom are incorporated within the school fees, including the residential outward-bound trip in Year 8.
- Parents are asked to consent to any additional charges before they are made (exceptions are essential spends for boarders, such as haircuts or clothing items when needed).
- Most Commoners (optional after-school activities) are free, but there may be a small charge if outside resources or instructors are required. Parents will always be informed of this before giving consent, and a free alternative activity will always be offered.
- All items purchased from our uniform shops are added to the school bill. Our thriving second-hand shop offers many items of clothing at reduced prices.
- Individual music and LAMDA lessons by way of private arrangement are not charged by the school but by the visiting teacher directly.
Before your son is assessed for entry to the school we ask for a registration fee. From 1 January 2025, a non-refundable fee of £200 including VAT is payable upon registration.
Acceptance Deposit
If you accept the Headmaster's offer of a place at the school, we will ask you for a deposit to secure the place. For parents where their primary residence is in the UK, the deposit is £1,000, and for all others - see our International student page - the deposit is one term’s fee. The deposit will be refunded within four months of your child leaving the school, less any outstanding fees or extras if applicable. If you withdraw your son, either prior to entry or whilst he is at the school, the deposit is refundable only if you have given one term’s notice.
The school offers military families a 20% Forces concession, in addition to Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA).
The school does not currently offer sibling discounts.
Bursaries and Scholarships
In order to widen access to the school, means-tested bursaries may be provided for day places from Year 3. Financial support must be requested upon registration. It is only in exceptional cases of hardship, where a family has experienced significant and unexpected changes to their circumstances, that we will consider temporary financial support for a pupil who is already at the school.
Applications for bursaries for the academic year starting 2025 close on 31 January of the same year. Please contact the Director of Finance and Resources for forms and further details.
Winchester Cathedral Choristers and Winchester College Quiristers are awarded a choral scholarship, which represents 40% of the boarding fee. Additional bursaries may be available.
The school can provide optional insurance for absence from school due to illness or injury. Full details can be obtained from the Director of Finance and Resources.
Fees in advance scheme
Once an offer letter has been received, confirming your child's place at the school, a lump sum may be paid in advance of your child’s entry, covering up to three years of fees for the school. Please contact the Director of Finance and Resources for more information.
The details above are an indicative summary of the current situation regarding fees, disbursement, discounts and bursaries, and are provided as advice rather than as a contractual offer. Parents joining the school should consult the parent/school contract and Rupert Bentley, the Director of Finance and Resources, for the most current information.
The School normally gives one term’s notice of fee increases but reserves the right to increase fees at shorter notice in exceptional circumstances.