Wraparound care
Busy families require wraparound care. As a boarding school, we have a great before and after-school offering.
What time can my son arrive from?
In Pre-Prep and Year 3, your son can arrive at school as early as 7.15am for our breakfast club, where he can tuck in to a healthy light breakfast and play with friends until school opens.
For Year 4 boys and above, they can join their boarding friends from 7.20am in the dining room for a full hot breakfast.
What time can my son stay until?
For the younger Pre-Prep boys, free 'Commoner' activities run until 4.45pm and then Supper Club is available with our dedicated After-School Club Co-ordinator until 6pm. We even build in time for one to one reading before you pick your son up and take him home.
For Prep boys, after-school activities ('Commoners') run from 5-6pm. After that, there is the option of supper with the boarders at a small charge, until 6.30pm. Or they can stay until 7.30pm, to catch up with boarding buddies or do some homework.
What After-School Clubs does Pilgrims’ offer?
After school, your son can enjoy a variety of nearly 50 activities, known in school as 'Commoners'. Warhammer, running, fencing, remote control car racing, football, judo, scuba diving, board games, to name but a few of the activities available. Read about our clubs.
These are mostly run by staff and are free. They form an important aspect of the Pilgrims’ broader education, giving boys and staff alike the opportunity to extend and share interests beyond the classroom. Juniors and seniors generally follow the same programme, which creates a great opportunity for boys to socialise and integrate across all the year groups. There is a charge for externally run activities.
Is there food available after school?
For the younger boys in Pre-Prep, they are welcome to join us for Supper Club in the Main School dining room. This is a full hot meal to fill small stomachs, so parents don’t have to rush home and prepare food immediately.
If your son in Prep requires a hot meal, he can join his boarding friends for supper in the dining room at 6pm.
What are the wraparound care costs?
Pre-Prep and Year 3 Breakfast Club - 7.20-8.15am - £6.50*
Prep Year 4 and over Breakfast Club - 7.20-8.15am - £10*
Pre-Prep Supper Club - 4.45-6pm - £15*
Prep Supper Club - 6-6.30pm - £10*
Prep Evening Club - 6-7.30pm - £18*
Many of our Commoner activities run by staff are free. However, there is a charge for externally run activities.
*Per session, per boy.