Quiristers - Year 8 Countdown

It has been a busy half of term for the Quiristers, and a bittersweet edge to it for the Year 8s who are beginning the countdown to their last services.
However, little time to dwell as they performed three times in the Cathedral over the last two weeks. Firstly, a memorial service for a Winchester College don, Paul Williams, was attended by many Wykehamists, including the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The Choristers and Quiristers joined together to sing Eucharist for Ascension and they sounded magnificent, filling the Nave with their blended voices. The Winchester College confirmation service provided the third occasion to sing in the Cathedral on Sunday.
Howard Ionascu chalked up an extra Compline service for the Year 8s in the beautiful candle-lit College Chantry, the boys producing their usual high-quality plainsong. Afterwards, we all hurried to Mr Ionascu’s garden for a tasty BBQ which even drizzle did not spoil; we all retired to Mr Ionascu’s kitchen instead, thank you indeed for a jolly evening!
This week William G’s Mass, written in his final year as Quirister, was heard again in the Chapel, providing the opportunity to hear solos from fellow Year 8s, Henry B and Thomas R.
For us their parents, it seems no time since five small cute boys were introduced to the Chapel Choir, now - as the photo attached shows – they are five larger boys with much more hair and attitude and preparing to finish. They of course will miss Quiristering and their special cohort, but horizons expand and they look forward to new adventures and challenges at their senior schools.
Drusilla Brodrick
Year 8 Q Parent