'All Rise!' Year 5

On Thursday last week, as part of our PSHEe curriculum, Year 5 was immersed in the world of law and justice through a fantastic workshop led by James Stewart from ‘All Rise!’.
The purpose of the day was to develop the boys’ understanding of how laws are created, the importance of evidence and how to assess it, the criminal legal system, and how sentencing occurs. The day was concluded by every boy being involved in a mock ‘crown court’ trial where numerous roles were undertaken, including jurors, court reporters, artists, all of whom observed a series of witnesses being cross-examined by both prosecution and defence barristers.
The range of group activities, and the mock trial, allowed the boys the opportunity to develop their skills of collaboration, creative thinking, oracy, critical reasoning, and resilience, in a fun, informative, and enjoyable way.
I would like to thank the boys for their superb attitude throughout the day. Their level of interest and engagement, and willingness to fully immerse themselves, was a delight to see.
Tom Halliday
Head of Juniors