Morning Hills

The Quiristers joined the boys at Winchester College for the traditional 'Morning Hills' service.
Given the weather we have experienced recently, the Quiristers were lucky to find the traditional Morning Hills service was on a cold but crucially, dry, morning last Friday.
The tradition of walking up St Catherine's Hill dates back to 1538 when the hill and surrounding land were the playground and playing fields for the College. Various forms of 'Hills' have taken place and in the latter part of the 18th Century, it included morning, afternoon and evening hills! The use and need for travelling to the top of St Catherine's Hill has changed over time and eventually fell out of favour, but was rekindled in the latter part of the 19th Century, surviving to this day as an annual service at the first Exeat.
Attended by the whole college community, it is a wonderful event that is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. A psalm, a reading, prayers and a short sermon were warmly welcomed, even if the blustery wind made hearing these a little difficult. The Quiristers, as part of the Chapel Choir, sang well and were given ample opportunity to reflect upon their journey whilst admiring the magnificent view of Winchester to the Northwest. Spiritually refreshed, the boys were happy to accept a gracious invitation to join the boys in College for breakfast. This made for a suitably fitting way to begin the day at Pilgrims' too.
Steve Leslie
Q Housemaster
Head of Geography