Chorister Dubbing at Winchester Cathedral

On Saturday 14 September, Winchester Cathedral saw a very special Festal Evensong.
This was to celebrate the annual Chorister 'dubbing' - the time when probationer Choristers are admitted as full members of the choir to continue a journey of musical excellence.
Alfred, Edward, Ezekiel, George & Hector were admitted into the choir by the Dean before being given their surplices by the interim Director of Music, Andrew Lucas. Their families, friends and the wider community enjoyed watching the continuation of centuries-old traditions, and we look forward to hearing more over the coming years.
This year's service was particularly special, as Alfred and George became the first known twin choristers in Winchester Cathedral’s choral history and Edward joined his older brother Charles.
The canticle Evening Service in C by Charles Villiers Stanford and the anthem O Saviour of the World by Sir John Goss (1800-1880) were both sung beautifully by the Lay Clerks and Choristers and greatly enjoyed by the congregation.
Billy Bounds
Chorister parent