Year 7 French trip to Maison Claire in Burgundy
After a long but rewarding journey to the beautiful depths of Burgundy, Year 7 thrived on their French language immersion trip to Maison Claire Fontaine.
On the first day, they learnt to make mosaics, following instructions en français; they familiarised themselves with the language and practised speaking with native speakers; they explored the town of Vézelay, including the cathedral and the breathtaking panoramic view of the valley; and in the evening there was a competitive quiz on French culture.
This was followed by a foody and fun-filled day, starting with an enticing French lesson and the opportunity to try their hand at some French cooking. In the afternoon, we visited the Anis de Flavigny, learning about how these delicious local sweets are made, including a very special secret ingredient! After enjoying some free time in this beautifully autumnal part of Burgundy, they were able to sample the culinary delights of a local restaurant.
On the Wednesday, the boys went to a quintessentially French market town in the morning, Noyers-sur-Serein, and this activity was undoubtedly a favourite. In their groups, the boys were tasked with buying ingredients for lunch, and negotiating their purchases with the stallholders, in French. Subsequently, they prepared and presented their wares to their peers and teachers, and were judged for the appearance and choice of meal, as well as their oral presentation. In the afternoon, the boys took to the stage and performed sketches of their favourite moments over the week – from cookery and the history of Vézelay to their French classes and le marché.
Over the course of their trip, the boys did so well – they progressed in their French, worked with their peers, and left richer for their time in Burgundy. The MCF staff were been brilliant, and we cannot thank them enough for helping the boys to succeed.
Dave Power
Head of French