Year 5 visit Legoland

This inaugural trip to Legoland has been planned for some time....
and all part of the progression in the D&T curriculum to provide an off-site education visit for each year group in the Prep School (Pre-Prep is next!). Consequently, the level of excitement from the boys has gradually been rising to near fever-pitch in the last week, and they were not disappointed.
The purpose of the trip was to experience a Lego Spike (robotics) and block coding workshop, which saw the boys immerse themselves in the kinaesthetic brief. Following the excellent workshop, the boys had the chance to roam through the quintessential Lego ‘Miniworld’ and begin their quest to go on as many rides as possible! We were blessed with a perfect spring day and a group of boys whose manners and appreciation of the trip was exemplary. Definitely, ‘the best trip ever!”
Mr Armstrong
Head of Design and Technology