The Townsend Warner History Prize

This week thirteen Year 8 boys were selected from around 1500 candidates to sit the second round of the Townsend-Warner History Prize. It is a national competition which was started 139 years ago and is one of the oldest institutions in the preparatory school world.
It has proved enduringly popular in encouraging the study of history and, although it is not linked to any national testing or examinations, it aims to provoke interest and delight in historical reading, facts and analysis. Please click here if you would like to try an old paper over the kitchen table and test your knowledge of the past.
The competition acts as a helpful revision tool at this time of year and allows the boys to feel pride in their excellent historical range. The extent of their scope and range is a result of both their classroom learning and their sit-down reading books, so please do speak to and encourage your boys to read a wide range of topics and expand their knowledge far outside the classroom limitations.
The Townsend-Warner History Prize regularly produces winners of remarkable calibre, writing history with much flair and knowledge, and many a Pilgrims' boy has achieved an excellent result in the past. I have high hopes for this year's cohort!
If you would like to encourage your son to read more historical fact or fiction, please do visit a Winchester bookshop, like P and G Wells or Waterstones, or send me an email for some ideas. I have many books in the classroom, and I am happy to share them out to our boys.
Mrs Bailey
Head of History