Winchester Cathedral Choristers sing a live broadcast of Choral Evensong

On Wednesday 28 February, at 4pm, the Cathedral fell to a hush as the congregation waited for the red light to go out and the airwaves to open. And immediately there followed a most exquisite service of Choral Evensong, broadcast live on BBC Radio 3.
This was a full-foundation effort, with the boy choristers singing alongside the girl choristers and the lay clerks. And the music they offered was both stunning and uplifting. Collegium Regale (Herbert Howells) is a chorister and congregation favourite, and this particular performance did not disappoint.
Well done to all the choristers and lay clerks for their efforts, and to Andrew Lumsden (Director of Music) and Josh Stephens (Organist) for their musical leadership. It is always an honour to be asked to sing a live radio broadcast, and we are doubly proud that in one week our Pilgrims' boys had both a live broadcast (Choristers) and a service recorded for later broadcast (Quiristers), all coming from within the musical riches of Winchester.
If you would like to listen again, the service is available on BBC Sounds and will be broadcast once more on Sunday 3 March at 3pm. BBC Radio 3 - Choral Evensong, Winchester Cathedral