Thursday Reflection

International Jazz Day, 2023
In this week’s Thursday Reflection, pupils at Pilgrims’ learned about the aims of international Jazz Day. Pupils listened to some Jazz music, reflected upon it, and considered the following positives about Jazz music.
- Jazz breaks down barriers and creates opportunities for mutual understanding and tolerance;
- Jazz is a vector of freedom of expression;
- Jazz is a symbol of unity and peace;
- Jazz reduces tensions between individuals, groups, and communities;
- Jazz fosters gender equality;
- Jazz reinforces the role youth play for social change;
- Jazz encourages artistic innovation, improvisation, new forms of expression, and inclusion of traditional music forms into new ones;
- Jazz stimulates intercultural dialogue and empowers young people from marginalised societies.
(United Nations (2023) International Jazz Day,
Dr Paul Bryant
School Lay Chaplain & Head of Theology, Philosophy and Religion
Co-ordinator of SMSC