Sailing season begins

The new season gets off to a great start with blue skies and a good breeze!
Despite the rapidly ebbing tide revealing Southampton's mud at its finest, the boys had a great sail and made the most of the session. We began with a recap, for those who have never sailed or those who hadn't been afloat since last summer, which went through the parts of the boat to how to tack and more. Hands shot up, questions were answered and the new season's instructors were suitably impressed. Well done, boys!
On the water the safety boats escorted the boys on a short course off the pontoons and whilst those with experience could enjoy the breeze; all beginners did really well in navigating themselves - on the whole! There were a couple of capsizes - dry of course - and all seemed to have a good time.
Looking forward to next week's session when the training starts and now that instructors have met the boys and understood their abilities, they'll be grouped accordingly.
If any boys have not yet brought in their RYA log books please remember to put it in your kit bag ready to bring along next week. For beginners, we will provide one for you.
Mrs Slater