Quirister activity

For Winchester College it is not just the start of a new academic year...
... but also time to welcome its sixtieth Headmaster: to be accurate, they welcomed Elizabeth Stone as “Sixtieth Headmaster and Ordinary of the Chapel of the College of St Mary of Winchester”.
But first was the College’s Beginning of Year service in the Cathedral last Monday morning – a rare chance for the whole school to gather in a single space where the full gusto of College pupils and dons can be given vent through some familiar congregational hymn singing. And they were in fine voice! The Qs took their first engagement of the year in their stride with a fine rendition of a seventeenth century anthem with its text taken from the second book of Samuel. The four new probationers did themselves credit by seeming to absolutely at home in their new role.
The Installation Evensong for the new Headmaster gave us the opportunity to wallow in the familiar setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C by Charles Villiers Stanford – a wonderful reassurance that, at the beginning of a new era for the College there is still a great sense of continuity within these buildings. Seb B was granted the rare privilege of acting as Cantor and proved a wise choice bringing great clarity to the role.
Together, a wonderfully assured start to the Quirister year; next Tuesday evening last year’s probationers will be invested or ‘dubbed’ as full members of the choir during Evensong. All are very welcome to attend at 1730 in the College Chapel.
Bryony Carpenter
Q parent