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Quirister Dubbing at Choral Evensong


Tuesday 10 September saw a special Choral Evensong celebrating the annual Quirister dubbing; where probationer Quiristers are admitted as full members of the choir.

This year's service was particularly special, as it also celebrated and welcomed Dónal McCann as the new Head of Chapel Music and Choral Partnerships at Winchester College. This was reflected in the particularly strong turnout of Quirister parents’, both past and present.

Casper, Toma and Harry were inducted into the choir by the Headmaster, before being given their surplices by the Head Quirister, and shown to their position in the stalls. Their family, friends and the wider community enjoyed watching the continuation of a centuries-old tradition. 

The canticle (Magnificat Noble in B minor), and the anthem Antiphon (Vaughan Williams, words by George Herbert) were both sung beautifully by the Chapel Choir and greatly enjoyed by the congregation, who relished listening to the Chapel Choir continuing their high standards with a new head. 

After the service, a drinks' reception followed in School with a warm welcome by the Headmaster for Dónal McCann and the new Quiristers. Dónal joins Winchester from New College, Oxford, continuing a Wykeham theme and also continuing a stellar musical journey, of which we look forward to hearing the next steps over the coming year.

Kamala and Anish 
Head Q Parents



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