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Pre-Prep News, Friday 21 June


The week has rushed by in the Pre-Prep, and we are excited about a big week next week (our last full week of term!). The next eight days are full to the brim with activities and events, and preparations are also underway for the new academic year in September.

From Mrs Hall

Many of our Year 2 boys enjoyed a wonderful transition morning on Tuesday with their ‘cousins,’ and there are key transition events for other year groups and parents in the coming days. The boys are excited for 'Move Up Morning' on Tuesday when they will visit their new classrooms to spend time with their new teachers. Preparations for the Year 2 and Year 4 play ‘Midas’ are in full swing. Both performances will take place at 1700 in the Pilgrims’ Hall, with tea and coffee available in the Briggs Library from 1630.

I would like to thank you in advance for your continued support and hope that you enjoy this wonderful time of The Pilgrims' school year!

Please do keep an eye out for events coming up over the last few days:

  • Tuesday 25 June: Pre-Prep Move Up Meeting for parents (present Year 1, Year R, and prospective Year R) at 1900
  • Wednesday 26 June: Year 4 and Year 2 Performance at 1700
  • Thursday 27 June: Year 4 and Year 2 Performance at 1700
  • Friday 28 June: LAMDA showcase and art exhibition
  • No commoners’ week beginning 1 July
  • Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 July: Open Classrooms for parents from 0815-0845
  • Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 July: Reception only Parents' Evening (details to follow next week)
  • Monday 1 July: Pre-Prep Sports Day from 1330-1500
  • Tuesday 2 July: Pre-Prep Beach Visit (Please see separate SchoolPost of Thursday 20 June.)
  • Wednesday 3 July: Final Celebration Assembly at 1500
  • Wednesday 3 July: Pre-Prep End of Term at 1545

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Pilgrims' Shell Awards

Year 2 - to Keijiro for his diligence and perseverance.
Year 1 - to Arthur J for listening so carefully to instructions to create his boat composition. Well done, Arthur!
Year R - to Felix for such super artwork and for his calm and thoughtful approach to tasks.

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Menus for the first week back are available here on My School Portal. 
Reminder: no food is to be brought into the school and/or given to boys at any time, especially at sign-out.



REMINDER: Mufti Day on Monday 24 June - See Mr Butcher's SchoolPost from Thursday 20 June for details.









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From the PPA

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Year 2

What a busy Tuesday it was! It began with our Pilgrims’ cousins from Year 3 who came to introduce themselves to us before being let loose in the Pre-Prep playground to make friends. It was wonderful to welcome back old Year 2’s, who couldn’t wait to have another turn on our bikes and monkey bars.

During French, Monsieur Power introduced the boys to Petanque.

After lunch, Nurse Beaumont came to Pre-Prep and explained What is First Aid, Why it is Important and Who can Administer First Aid.

By the end of the session, the boys were empowered to look after themselves and others. Nurse Beaumont talked through different scenarios: from being at home alone with your Granny who has slipped and broken her leg, to experiencing an asthma attack or anaphylaxis, and even to a parent fainting outside the school gates. 

The boys were all very confident at calling for 'Help!' both using a mobile or by just shouting. However, please do take time to teach your sons their home address (not email), to ensure that they can provide the emergency services with as much detail as possible.

Mrs Kent 
Year 2 Teacher


Year 1

The boys were introduced to the Cubist artist, Paul Klee, last week. We investigated some of his paintings from the 1920s to see what different types of shapes we could find. There were a lot of triangles, squares and circles. We then all had a guess at what we thought this painting might be.

It did not take long for shouts of boats, ships, sails and the sea to be heard. We thought about the different geometric shapes we could find and how some interlocked and overlapped with each other – the definition of the Cubist style.

Boys experimented in their sketch books making their own Cubist painting in the style of Klee. We practised using rulers to draw straight lines without the ruler slipping. We also tried to draw around 2D shapes carefully without the shape slipping… we got much better the more we tried!

Each boy used their preliminary sketches to inform their ideas about setting out their own compositions on an A3 canvas. We drafted our picture in pencil and shall be using our developing water colour skills to paint our canvas. The boys were very excited to be using such a special piece of grown-up art equipment. Our own Cubist sail boat paintings inspired by Paul Klee shall be exhibited at the forthcoming Summer Exhibition on Friday 28 June.  

Mrs Ford
Year 1 Teacher



What a busy and fun-packed week we have had in Reception class this week!  

Linked to our topic this term on 'Journeys', the boys decided that they wanted the role-play area to turn into an airport and an aeroplane!  They knew exactly what was needed for the airport and why.  With Miss Whitmore's creative flair and the wave of her imaginative wand, she was able to do just that!  The role-play area is indeed an airport with the outside area transformed into an aeroplane.  

The boys have loved sharing their airport experiences and the destinations they have been to together. Passports have been made along with boarding passes and luggage ideas. Super communication and language skills have been shown over the week along with some high-quality role-playing!  I particularly loved the real tyres that were used for the aeroplane wheels and the creative tail structure.  

Well done Miss Whitmore and boys for such super ideas and creativity shown this week.

Mrs Huntley
Reception Teacher

Forest School

This week, Year R focused on minibeasts. The boys learned that these animals play an integral part in the food chain and are fascinating little creatures. The boys were taught how to identify and observe them without causing them any harm, as well as the importance of returning them back to their original habitat. At the end of the session, we had fun trying to create some of the minibeasts. Can you guess which minibeasts we chose?

In Year 1’s Forest School session, we chatted about the importance of bees in our environment and the role they play in pollinating flowers. After playing a game to help the boys understand this more, the boys carefully dissected a lily flower, focusing on learning the names of the key features and their purpose.

This week, Year 2 had a visit to the cathedral and met Carol Rawlings from Hampshire Ornithological Society. She chatted to boys about the wonderful peregrine falcons that take up residence at the cathedral each year. Unfortunately, the pair had not been successful in raising any chicks this year, but that didn’t damper our enthusiasm to learn more about these magnificent creatures and to ask some interesting questions about them.

Mrs Walker
Forest School 


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