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Pre-Prep News, Friday 14 June


As we rapidly approach the last few weeks of term, I am once again amazed at how much we are managing to squeeze in.

From Mrs Hall

The 'Father's Day in the Woods' event at the beautiful arboretum was a tremendous success, providing a delightful and enriching experience for everyone who attended. The event was designed to bring the boys together with their fathers for some special sessions with 'Dad and Ted.' The boys explored various activity stations with their dads, including drilling wooden medals, painting pebbles, and creating clay tiles. The den-building activity turned into a spirited competition, and the relaxation hammock was a big hit, though I’m not sure many dads had much time to relax! Thank you to all who attended and a huge thank you to Mrs Walker and the Catering and Pre-Prep teams for their hard work too.

Next week, the Year 2 boys will visit the Cathedral for a talk about the peregrine falcons. Although our nesting pair of falcons was not successful this year, we still invite the Year 2 boys to bring binoculars to their Forest School session on Thursday. The birds are still flying around the Cathedral, so there is a chance we could spot them. Please ensure that binoculars are named, as the boys will each be responsible for their own.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.


Save the Dates for June!

Monday 17 June

LAMDA exams

Thursday 20 June

09:00-10:00 Whole School Photo

Year 2 trip to the Cathedral (Hampshire Ornithological Society)

Friday 21 June

PPA School of Rock event, details and booking form to follow

Saturday 22 June

PPA Charity Walk

Wednesday 26 June

17:00-17:30 Midas: Year 2 and Year 4 production

Thursday 27 June

17:00-17:30 Midas: Year 2 and Year 4 production

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Menus for the first week back are available here on My School Portal. 
Reminder: no food is to be brought into the school and/or given to boys at any time, especially at sign-out.

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From the PPA


Please go to My School Portal, Bookings & Forms, to find further details and the booking form. All welcome. Pre-Prep boys will be able to book into After School Club until 6pm for that day.


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