Macbeth, Year 3 and Year 5 Production

Year 5 took on the mammoth task of performing their adaptation of Macbeth.
Full of fun, laughter, songs, and one-liners, the boys rose to the occasion and retold this age-old story. All the Year 5 boys had the opportunity to play solo parts, with each class taking the lead roles on a given night. They were superbly assisted by the Year 3 boys, who themselves started the show with an eery rendition of the Witches’ speech.
The boys must be commended on their effort and dedication, as well as their skills in collaborating with one another. This resulted in a superb show, and there was as much laughter during the rehearsal process as there was in the audience during each of the three performances.
Tom Halliday
Head of Juniors
(Professional photos will soon be available: you will be alerted once they are uploaded to Jim Pascoe's website.)