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Thursday Reflection


The Benefits of Daydreaming

Daydreaming Painting by Augusto Volpini

This week’s reflection was about daydreaming.

Daydreaming is the stream of consciousness that detaches from current, external tasks when attention drifts to a more personal and internal direction. This phenomenon is common in people's daily life shown by a large-scale study in which participants spend 47% of their waking time on average on daydreaming.

Pupils discussed their thoughts about the nature of daydreaming: what is it? Why do we daydream? They watched ‘The Benefits of Daydreaming’, a Ted-Ed video by Elizabeth Cox which explains some recent neuroscientific thinking about the nature, purpose and possible benefits of daydreaming. 

Dr Paul Bryant
Head of Theology, Philosophy and Religion
Co-ordinator of SMSC
Lay Chaplain



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