Pre-Prep News, Friday 11 March
This week's news from the Pre-Prep ...
From Mrs Ross
Friday 18 March | Comic Relief | Wear something red! |
Wednesday 23 March |
Parents' Evening (booking details to follow) |
1630-2030 |
Friday 25 March |
Pre-Prep Open Morning for Prospective Parents |
0900-1130 |
Friday 1 April |
Pre-Prep Celebration Assembly for parents in the Octagon |
1115-1150 |
Pilgrims' Shell awards
Year 2 - to Rupert for his outstanding determination to complete his African art work to a very high standard
Year 1 - to Teddy for fantastic Mathematics with Mrs Huntley
Reception - to Ian for fantastic focus during PE lessons this week
Year 2
Mathematics has encouraged independent work when completing tasks which have required a sound understanding and application of times tables and written methods of working out. Well done, boys!
Mrs Richardson

Year 1
This week the boys have been learning to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and look for patterns. They discovered that it is much easier to count forwards than backwards but are practising hard and becoming more confident each day. You can help at home by also practising this too. Counting in 10s is also easier than counting in 2s, they decided. They used their fine motor skills to make number lines using dough in steps of either 2 or 5. Another fun way to learn! Keep up the good work boys!
The papier maché creations worked, I am thrilled to announce! The boys were able to pop balloons, paint and make their own Knight's helmets. Visors were even added using split pins, which also lift and lower. The helmets are superb, and the boys are very proud of them and can't wait to bring them home to show you!
On a Friday, we are running a 'Show and Tell' class session at the end of the day. If your son would like to bring in something to show that you have agreed with them, that would be great. These items should not be too big or precious. It is great to see something that has been made at home or linked to any trips or outings you may have been on together. Toys are not recommended unless there is a special reason. The boys then ask questions to each other about their item or talk about it, and we focus on good speaking and listening skills.
Another great week boys; well done, everyone.
Mrs Huntley
Reception Class have been busy using all kinds of measuring equipment this week! Our Shoe Shop has been transformed into a sparkly 'Magic Shoe Shop' and the children have enjoyed identifying and counting coins.
Forest School
This week in Forest School we chatted about what it was like being a small creature and where they might live. We decided to create our very own small creature out of loose parts and had a lovely time exploring the arboretum with them. Some boys even created their own small world for their animal.
Year 1 boys created some natural paint this week using chalk! Simply by crushing a piece of chalk in some water the boys created a lovely white paint. We then went on the hunt for some natural paint brushes and the boys had a wonderful time painting stones, sticks and small logs with their natural paint and handmade paint brushes. The boys created a modern art gallery and even gave their installations a name!
Year 2 spent the first part of their session clearing out their allotment boxes in preparation for planting next term. We then turned our focus to all the beautiful daffodils that are flowering at the moment. Some boys chose to do some close observational drawings of the daffodils whilst others took accurate measurements of the flowers.
Mrs Walker