Pre-Prep News, Friday 4 March

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From Mrs Ross
The lighter mornings have helped us to believe that Spring is just around the corner this week. The noisy, nest-building birds and blooming spring flowers in our playground also remind us that we will soon be enjoying the grass again at playtimes. (Thank you for your patience and understanding with the additional muddy clothing and muddy knees that have been coming home!)
It was a pleasure to accompany all the Pre-Prep boys to our Pilgrims' Ash Wednesday Cathedral Service. I was extremely proud of the boys for managing to contain their excitement during such a special event. Watching the expressions of awe and wonder as they looked up and around our beautiful Cathedral, whilst listening to the Chamber choir singing, was truly wonderful. Year 1 and 2 boys were even able to spot Mr Burton, high up on the balcony above us, playing the organ.
My photograph below shows James and Egbert helping each other and sharing tips beautifully today in the playground. They offered each other advice and tips on their balancing technique. Well done, boys!
Pilgrims' Shell awards
Year 2 - to William for his hard work when completing tasks to a high standard, within a given time frame.
Year 1 - to Alexander L for always being ready at the beginning of lessons to start learning and for persevering, even when things get tricky!
Reception - to Digby for his fantastic spelling and handwriting this week.
Year 2
Mrs Thorne
Year 1
It has been lovely to welcome the boys back to school this week. They enjoyed sharing their half-term news with the class and what a lot of varied activities and experiences everyone has had.
It was decided to try another way of creating our Knight's helmets this week, so flour and water was used to make a pasty gloop and traditional newspaper was then applied to balloons. This worked much more successfully and the papier-maché creations are nearly dry already. Next week, we should be able to turn these gloopy balloon creations into proper helmets!
As Mrs Ross mentions above, the boys were superb when attending the Cathedral for the Ash Wednesday service this week. They were in awe of their surroundings and just being part of the whole wider school. They listened to the choir sing so beautifully, joined in with singing and listened carefully to the readings and messages given. I was extremely proud of them.
To celebrate World Book Day the boys watched some key information about what World Book day is all about and that it is it's 25th Year anniversary this year. We chatted about this year's theme of "You are a reader". They made their own book-marks by sewing a running stitch onto material which proved challenging, but everyone persevered and were pleased with their final piece. The boys also made 'sharing story' crowns to take home. "What would the world be like without any books," was a question I posed to them. "Horrible," they replied!
Great first week back boys, well done for all your hard work and for settling back into school so quickly.
Mrs Huntley
The boys have had a busy week back after half-term with painting, water play, and playdough, not to mention their RWI and Maths. They have enjoyed taking on different roles in our new pop-up shoe shop, measuring each other’s feet, paying for their new shoes with a combination of cards and cash.
Forest School
What fun Year R had this week creating a tipi style shelter for their beloved teddies. With some support the boys made the tipi structure and made it warm and protective for their teddies by covering it with leaves, more sticks and other natural items. The teddies loved their temporary homes!
Our Year 2 session had a science link this week. We focused on life cycles and in particular the life cycle of birds. The boys became ‘Eggsperts’ and managed to match the different types of eggs to the right bird.
Mrs Walker