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Christmas fun in Pre-Prep


This year’s Pre-Prep production of 'Prickly Heat' was fabulous. It was full of tremendous energy, beautiful group and solo singing, and confidently spoken lines. 

After each rehearsal and performance, I tried to take a step back and remember just how young these children are, reflecting on their incredible achievements in putting on such a brilliant show. Opportunities like these do wonders for developing the confidence of children and help them become used to speaking and performing in front of an audience. The whole play was held together by the children knowing their lines well and delivering them with great timing and even with comic effect! I could not have been prouder of the boys.

Life at Pilgrims’ is in many ways summed up by such performances as the children demonstrate what they can achieve if they are challenged appropriately, while anyone watching would have seen just how much the children enjoyed their productions. 

Here are some photos of other activities in Pre-Prep during the fun festive period...


Forest School

The term has flown by, and the autumn leaves have really inspired us over the last few months. At the end of term, here's what the boys got up to. 

Year 1 chatted about how hedgehogs hibernate around this time of year. Using a small ball of clay, the boys created their own hedgehog, and then worked with a friend to create a warm and suitable nest for their animal.


It was a bit of damp Forest School for both Reception and Year 2, but that didn’t stop them. Armed with tarps, pegs and bungees, both year groups had a go at trying to create some shelters that would keep us dry. Some of the boys had a go at trying to create some mini shelters for our little animals, making mud pies, making a dinosaur slide, as well as seeing how much rain they could collect.


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