3R's Coronation Wall

The question was: What shall we, 3R, do to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III?
- Something original and fun
- Something for our memory boxes
- and Mrs R came up with 'facts, colouring and perfect cutting out'
The plan was made.
During the time between arriving in school and Assembly, and 'Sit Down' we, as a class would go full steam ahead.
The colouring looked so regal: our pride grew as we cut out the coach and crown.
Mounted they looked amazing.
'BUT' said Mrs R: 'now for some facts on both the coach and the crown...'
- Wow! We were shocked! The coach is worth £3.5 billion.
- Over 3000 gems on the crown!!!
Now our work is mounted and on display we, 3R, are bouncing with pride.
Mrs Richardson