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Year 4 trip to Milestones Living History museum


The Year 4s had a truly memorable day out on Thursday with a wonderful and educational visit to the Milestones Living History Museum in Basingstoke.

The boys explored the cobbled streets of this living history museum, marvelling at the detailed recreations and stepping back in time to imagine life in the Victorian era. One of the highlights of the day was a visit to the Taskers Waterloo Ironworks, where the boys gained valuable insights into the industrial revolution and the machinery that shaped Victorian society.

A particular favourite activity was spending old-fashioned pennies in the Victorian seaside pier arcade. The boys loved trying their luck on the penny machines and games, which gave them a taste of how people enjoyed their leisure time in the Victorian era.

Later, the boys experienced a Victorian classroom, sitting under the watchful eye of a strict schoolmistress. This gave them a vivid sense of what schooling was like during that era—an experience that sparked both curiosity and a newfound appreciation for modern classrooms!

The visit was a fantastic way to round off our topic on Victorian Britain. It brought the period to life and provided the boys with lasting memories to draw upon as they continue their studies. A big thank-you goes to Mrs Bailey and Miss Wilkins for their expertise and guidance, and for helping ensure the day ran seamlessly.

Mr Steve Townend
Year 4 Teacher



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