Year 6 D&T trip to Chase Cricket

I fondly remember the start of the cricket season when I was at Prep School. The excitement of oiling your bat in the Easter holidays and hopefully adding some new kit to your collection; nothing beats it in my opinion, and what better way to start this Summer Term than with a visit to Chase Cricket and Serious Cricket at Dummer Down Farm.
This morning, Year 6 learnt and experienced how a cricket bat is made from the raw cleft of English willow to the shiny, knocked in, bat that we all recognize. The boys were captivated by the opportunity to see the manufacturing process, the amazing knocking-in machine, and the bespoke bat gripper designed by the Chase Managing Director, Dan. Whilst one half of the year group was in the Chase workshop, the other half of the year group had a cricket coaching session with Serious Cricket in the Arena. This provided the boys with an excellent chance to hone their skills, whilst also providing the accompanying staff a good opportunity to assess the boys’ ability in advance of tomorrow’s block fixtures against Horris Hill.
On a separate note, please bear in mind Chase Cricket offer a 10% discount on items to those connected with Pilgrims’, and 20% off if you purchase four or more items!
Alex Armstrong
Head of Design & Technology