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Spotlight on... Sewing Club


The boys in Years 1 and 2 have shown amazing attention to detail in their 'Sewing' after-school club this Lent term.  

Over the first half of the term, the boys successfully learnt how to sew a running stitch competently and made a beautiful 'Alien' cushion.  Lots of perseverance, guidance and repetition helped in creating their final cushion!  The boys were very proud to be taking their cushions home to present to the family member of their choice.

The second half of this term has presented with a little more challenge in the form of learning how to cross stitch!  Superb listening and following instructions has led to boys to create careful cross stitches alongside the running stitch, already learnt, to create spring bookmarks. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed supporting the boys with their new sewing skills and would like to thank Mrs Pleming and Sophia Leslie for their remarkable help and patience with this after-school activity also.

Well done, boys!  Great efforts and skills learnt.

Sarah Huntley
Year 1 teacher


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