So long, farewell - to the wonderful team of GAPs

Image: from left to right: Iav, Emma, Adam, Ally, Lexie.
Amidst the jollification of the final few days of this term, there is always the sad moment when we say goodbye and thank you to our wonderful team of GAP students. Many of you will know them very well by now, as they have been with us for a full year. Many of the boys will have built memorable connections with them too, especially within Boarding. They have been a simply wonderful addition to our staff team this year, so here goes for the farewells:
Goodbye and thank you Iav. Safe travels back to NZ (via China) as you prepare for your degree in Event Management. You have brought a wonderful sense of humour to the team, a passion for cricket and a real energy amongst us all. You can’t dance very well, but we are all work in progress! (I joke, he can dance!).
So long and thank you, Lexie, as you return to Oz to start your degree in Geology. Thank you for all you have done within the school, especially with the rowing and supporting the after-school boys in Pre-Prep. It’s been “lit” (are you cringing?) listening about all your adventures around Europe this year. (You are currently in Edinburgh in the snow, as I type this!)
Adam – thank you! Your passion for rugby and cricket really assisted the PE, Games, and after-school programmes. You too, have made the most of your time here in the UK, including some precious memories with extended family in London in recent weeks. All the best with your degree in Management/Accountancy (which you have already started online from the GAP flat) and wishing you a very safe trip back to South Africa.
Thank you too, Ally. Always full of energy, nothing has ever been too much for you in helping. As the 2nd sister in your family to be a GAP at Pilgrims, you had big shoes to fill, I am told, but you nailed it. Your travels in the summer were inspirational. We lost count of the countries you visited. All the best, as you get back on the plane to Sydney to prepare for your degree in Medical Sciences and thank you for helping me re-start the hockey commoner this term.
And finally, our 5th GAP, Emma. Emma joined us just for the final term, as we thought one of our GAPs might need to return home early for family reasons. Thank you, Emma, for fitting in so seamlessly since the start of the new school year. You have been a wonderful addition to the team. Emma is off to Borneo in the spring with Raleigh International and then onwards to the University of Birmingham in September to study Environmental Science.
The boys will get a chance to say goodbye at assemblies in due course, but please do speak to them if you get a chance before they leave. They are a wonderful bunch, who have led and inspired our boys in so many ways.
Mr Jennings
GAP Student Co-ordinator