Saturday night as a Quirister

Where do the Quiristers rush off to after their Saturday sports matches? Why do they hide their array of home clothing, including colourful hoodies and muddy knees under a big duffle coat? Where do they go once they've lined up in the corner of the yard? If you'd like to know the answers, read on.
The Qs line up in the yard before walking the short distance from Priory Passage (the name of the passage that leads out towards P&G Wells) to the College's Music School. There they join the WinColl 'men', some music Dons and parents, to rehearse with the Glee Club. You may be surprised to hear that originally Glee Clubs were named after a form of English part song, called a glee, which they typically sang. The first named Glee Club held its initial meeting in the Newcastle Coffee House in London in 1787. Our Glee Club is rehearsing under Sarah Baldock, Director of Music at WinColl, for a concert on 5 March - watch this space for the concert flyer!
Back to the duffle coat - it keeps the Quirister warm, it can be used to hide under (or to hide the home clothes), the hood provides more warmth and hiding space and during tours, it can be a cosy pillow.
Following the Glee Club rehearsal, it's back to School for tea (for the seniors, while the juniors can head home), then over to the Song School for a short rehearsal before Compline. The other week, the Year 7 Qs persuaded some of their friends to attend this very short yet lovely service, held in the Chantry of the College. You would be most welcome to come too; term-time Saturdays, 1915-1930.
Finally, the evening is rounded off with a film and hot chocolate, curled up cosily in PJs, in the TV room at Q School.
Julie Allen
Q Parent