Pre-Prep News, Friday 6 September

Welcome back!
It has been an absolute joy to welcome the boys back to school this week, where we have enjoyed a wonderful, if rather wet, first couple of days. It has been a particular delight to welcome many new children and their families to the Pre-Prep, and it will be lovely to see you at our ‘welcome’ evening tonight.
The boys have already enjoyed Music, Forest School and Sports sessions and the Year 1 and Year 2 boys are all looking forward to their swimming lessons, which start next week.
We would also like to inform you that our Grandparents’ Tea Party has been moved to the Summer Term, as we felt this would better link with our themes for that period. Additionally, we will confirm the dates for the Pre-Prep Nativity, Cathedral assemblies and Celebration assemblies as soon as possible, and we look forward to sharing these special events with you.
Do enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing the boys again on Monday.
Sarah Hall
Head of Pre-Prep
Chaos in Year 1 today!
Strange happenings in Year 1. Ask your son all about it...
I am sure words like cackling, green, tiny, terror and pea may come into their recount.
Well done to all the Year 1 boys on such a fantastic start back at school. I am looking forward to next week and all the fun we shall have together.
Mrs Ford
Year 1 Teacher
The new Reception boys have settled superbly into their new Reception Classroom, and are learning their new rules and routines quickly. It has been a great few days of 'getting to know you' type activities with lots of social interactions and conversations. The 'paper plate creations' are fabulous and are displayed in the classroom. Thank you all for your support with this. The boys were very proud to show off their creations. Lunchtimes in the dining hall have also been a big success. We have been wowed by the boys' excellent behaviour and manners. Well done boys!
We are looking forward to a full week next week.
Mrs Huntley
Reception Teacher