Pre-Prep News, Friday 30 June

What a wonderful, wonderful week!
From Mrs Ross
Thank you to all of the Pre-Prep boys, parents, extended family and friends for your enthusiastic support during this busy week.
The fantastic Sports Day this morning was a marvellous finale, and I am delighted that everyone had such a super time participating and supporting!
I am especially pleased that it was such a close competition - and of course that the Saxons Set won!
A personal "thank you" to the Pre-Prep teaching team for their endless energy, enthusiasm and tremendous hard work.
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Save the Dates
- Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 July Open Classrooms for parents 0815-0845
- Wednesday 5 July - Final Celebration Assembly 0845-0930 in the Octagon
- Wednesday 5 July - Pre-Prep End of Term 1545 (There will be no Supper Club on this day).
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Pilgrims' Shell Awards
- Year 2 – to Isaac M for overcoming initial doubts and worries to shine. Well done, Isaac!
- Year 1 - to Matthias for his superb, sensible behaviour during all of our Rock the Boat practices and performances.
- Year R - to all of Reception class for their exemplary behaviour during their first Pre-Prep Sports Day.
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Menus for next week are available here on My School Portal.
Reminder: no food is to be brought into the school and/or given to boys at any time, especially at sign-out.
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Look out for the Reading Challenge in your son's Book Bag next week!
Look out for the Purple Mash login information next week. Details will follow on Monday!
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From the PPA
Pre-Prep and Year 4 production: Rock the Boat
Parents of Pre-Prep and Year 4 were transported back to biblical times with the performances of 'Rock the Boat', which is a tale of Noah's journey on the Ark.
The beautifully decorated Pilgrims' Hall was a riot of colour, with an ocean backdrop and a rainbow draped over the balcony - all the work of the Pre-Prep team.
'Rock the Boat' was a delightful, tuneful tale; both 4M and 4H took it in turns to play the lead roles, and Finlay N and William W put in charismatic performances as Noah, with Soichiro and Daniel M did wonderful comic turns as Mrs Noah. All boys sang beautifully and were many and varied characters from Noah's family members to animals such as the Raven and the Dove, and even a rather lonely dinosaur (Rio and William S).
Pre-Prep boys played the animal passengers in the Ark and Year 2 wrote their own, very entertaining lines for when they were allowed on deck to stretch their legs, the Skunk (Isaac) being given a wide berth for obvious reasons...
All of Pre-Prep had designed and made their own animal headdresses to represent their characters.
Thanks must go to the Year 4 and Pre-Prep staff, for their organisation and rehearsing, and of course to the maestro Mr du Plessis, who was responsible for not only the wonderful singing and accompaniment, but the storm choreography to the storm sequence from 'William Tell'! A lot of fun was had by audience and cast alike.
Mrs Duncan
English and Drama Teacher
We will let you know when the professional photos are ready to purchase and download from Jim Pascoe's website.
Year 2
WHAT A WEEK! What the boys have squeezed into this week is quite remarkable. I am so proud of them for their effort, attitude and ability. Rock the Boat was a really memorable production with Year 2 leading the Pre-Prep in this grown-up Pilgrims’ event. The boys prepared their own lines to include in the special Year 2 scene when the animals come out on deck. It was evident how proud they were of their self-written lines when they said them loudly and firmly. They were also hugely excited to see their marbled creations made into headdresses which they wore with style. When asked what their favourite part was, a lot of the boys mentioned the storm. They found the music exhilarating and the darkness atmospheric.
If that wasn’t a jam-packed week already, add Sports Day to the end of it, and the Summer Art Exhibition, and we have a final full week at Pilgrims’! The boys have dug deep this week and have truly excelled. What fantastic memories have been made!
Mrs Ford
Year 1
Wow what a week we have had in Pre-Prep! Where to start, as there have been so many magical highlights!
Should I start with the beautiful Monet style water colour paintings that have been completed by all Year 1 boys, mounted and ready to share during the Art and DT exhibition in the Octagon?
Should I start with the marbling fun in creating animal headdresses ready for the performances of 'Rock the Boat'?
Should I start with the outstanding performances of 'Rock the Boat' with the Year 4 boys?
Or should I start with Sports Morning where all Pre-Prep boys participated brilliantly and practised their team spirit skills?
I don't think I could actually choose! I have been so delighted with the final outcomes of all events. It is weeks like these that yes, are hard work for both boys and staff, yes are out of routine, yes are a little stressful at times but do all come together remarkably well in the end. It is weeks like these that make memories for life and are looked back on with pride and realisation that hard work and perseverance really do pay off.
Well done boys, I am so proud of all of your achievements this week. Have a very well-deserved restful weekend.
Mrs Huntley
Year R
The week started with excitement and anticipation for a very busy few days ahead; play rehearsals, Move-Up morning, a dress rehearsal, two performances of Rock the Boat and to finish, Sports Day! The boys have impressed us all with their perseverance, energy, and enthusiasm.
We have continued our work on odd and even numbers; please do keep talking about these, developing their understanding. Some have begun to notice the patterns, for example, Guy told me, 'If 9 is odd, then 19 and 29 will be odd!'
We look forward to welcoming you into our classroom next week to show you all our work. We think you will be impressed!
Mrs Kent
Forest School
The boys in Year R had a wonderful time making their summer crowns and imagining they were King for the day. At the end of the session the boys thought about what they would like to be King of in our natural world, and it was lovely listening to all their suggestions.
In Year 1 this week we chatted about the importance of camouflage in our natural world. I had previously hidden 40 pieces of coloured wool, some brightly coloured and some not so bright. We imagined these pieces of wool were wriggly worms, and the boys were birds trying to feed their young. It soon became very apparent that the bright coloured worms were found first, and the duller coloured worms were harder to find, which led to a lively discussion about camouflage and colours. The boys then used this information to help them use colour and patterns to decorate and camouflage their own moths.
Year 2 used their creative skills this week to design some summer natural tiles. Working together, the boys collected signs of summer, and carefully rolled the natural items into a clay tile in order to create a beautiful piece of artwork.
Mrs Walker