Pre-Prep News, Friday 26 May

Thank you to all of the Pre-Prep boys and staff for the wonderful Celebration Assembly today.
From Mrs Ross
It was lovely to share the boys' achievements with so many parents, friends and family. I am sure that you felt as proud as I did whilst listening to the boys, who all demonstrated such progress in their confidence, knowledge and creativity!
I wish you all a super, sunny half-term week and look forward to seeing you for our last half-term of the academic year.
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Save the Dates
- Monday 5 June - return to school
- Friday 16 June Cathedral Assembly 1500-1520, parents welcome
- Monday 19 June Pre-Prep Move Up Meeting for parents (present Year 1, Year R and prospective Year R) 1900
- Wednesday 21 June Year 2/3 Move Up Meeting for parents (present Year 2) 1900
- Wednesday 28 June Year 4 and Pre-Prep Performance 1500
- Thursday 29 June Year 4 and Pre-Prep Performance 1500
- Friday 30 June Pre-Prep Sports Day 0900-1100
- Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 July Open Classrooms for parents 0815-0845
- Wednesday 5 July - Final Celebration Assembly 0845-0930
- Wednesday 5 July - Pre-Prep End of Term 1545
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Pilgrims' Shell Awards
- Year 2 – to Kabir for working independently with Purple Mash to create his explanation text.
- Year 1 - to James for being a superstar in Year 1 this week! For super progress with concentration and all that is being asked of him to complete.
- Year R - to Guy for his enthusiastic dart playing and scoring this week!
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Menus for next week are available on My School Portal.
Reminder: no food is to be brought into the school and/or given to boys at any time, especially at sign-out.
Summer Fête pre-loved clothing wanted: Calling all those half-term spring cleaners!
We would like to hold a pre-loved clothing stall at the Summer Fête on Saturday 24 June. If you are clearing out at home, and have any items in good condition that you no longer wear, please send them our way by Friday 16 June. They should be put in bags and left in the front office, marked for our attention. Thank you.
Mrs Duncan and Mrs Cadoux-Hudson
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From the PPA
The PPA Wine Blast podcast and Summer Drinks Party events are now open for bookings on My School Portal.
You will find the form under the Bookings tab.
Ticket prices are £15 a head for the podcast and party and £10 a head for just the party.
For any queries, please contact the PPA.
One of the centrepieces of the Fête is the Grand Auction, which raises a large sum of money to add to that collected by the stalls for the chosen charities. The Grand Auction in past years was run by Mr Hammond, our previous Second Master, and I am delighted that he has agreed to help us out again this year. However, he has reminded me that the most important source of lots in the past was current parents because many will have access to mouth-watering opportunities. Here are some possibilities...
- A ticket to an especial event
- The use of a holiday home/cottage/shed/yurt for a few days
- A cookery lesson
- A day’s fishing on a promising water
- A cake a month for six months
- An unwanted bottle of fine wine
- A ride in a vintage car or farmyard vehicle
- A spare autograph of a friend who happens to be famous
- Access to an exclusive venue or celebrity
- A no longer needed bicycle/telescope/pair of stilts/go-cart
If you were prepared to offer a prize for the auction, it would very much be appreciated. Please email Thank you very much!
The closing date for receiving offers is Wednesday 14 June.
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Year 2
The boys have been busy beavering away on the Surface Gos this week to create a piece of work they are extremely proud of. During this half-term, they have researched plastic pollution in the ocean, the problems for sea creatures and how they can help. We have investigated lots of types of explanation texts to spot the types of features common to this non-fiction writing. Building on our word processing skills using Purple Mash from last week, the boys have created their own explanation text on plastic pollution. They used a template on Purple Mash and really enjoyed playing with the font, the text size, the colour, the background and choosing a picture to insert. They have learnt how important it is to save their work regularly and how to use various interesting and exciting keys on the keyboard. The ‘shift’ key is their new favourite element of the keyboard and the wiggly line that can appear under mis-spelt words is their new favourite element of word processing!
Mrs Ford
Year 1
The boys have been watching the beans that they planted for Jack, grow magically over the course of the week. The boys are adamant that these beans ARE magic, and WILL grow to reach the giant's castle! All beans have been very happy growing in glass jars, soil flowerpots and now also outside in our planters. A close watch on the amount of water each bean needs has been a key topic and how most beans definitely need sticks to help support their height. The boys have decided that the beans in the soil have grown quicker and like soil more than the plants in jars.
All beans should come home by the end of this week for you to plant and grow at home. Do take photos and let me know how well, or not, the beans are doing over the next few weeks. With the growth of beans now well under way, the boys have written letters to Jack thanking him for his letter and telling him that some instructions have been written on how to plant a bean for himself.
What a fun packed, busy half-term we have had. The warm weather has been greatly received and a half-term holiday with our families is now looked forward too. I hope you all have a great family time, whatever you may be doing.
Mrs Huntley
Year R
This week we have introduced the boys to yet another classification group of animals: insects, and in particular, ladybirds.
Having seen the Princess of Wales photographed in her Bee Suit on World Bee Day, there was much talk about the suits that protect us from the bees' sting. The boys were keen to hear how the bees work together to make delicious honey by collecting the nectar from the flowers. We read Polly Bee Makes Honey by Deborah Chancellor, after which the boys set to work to make a beehive and some bees. It was a very productive morning with a huge amount of collaborative work. It was as if the boys were bees, all working together for their Queen Bee!
In Maths we have been working on our number writing and counting. It would be wonderful if the boys could keep practising this over half-term along with their reading too.
Why not encourage your sons to write a shopping list to help them notice the print all around them, and then go on a number hunt?
Mrs Ross and I would love to see examples of what you have found when we return after our half-term break.
Happy half-term everyone!
Mrs Kent
Forest School
Going on a minibeast hunt is always a favourite activity for the boys. The boys in Year R learned how to collect minibeasts sensibly, sensitively and responsibly. Care was also taken to ensure the minibeasts were not away from their habitat for too long and that they were returned safely. The boys also used identity charts in order to identify what minibeasts they had found.
Last week the boys in Year 1 learned about the different types of wildflowers that grew in our grounds, this week we took it one step further and decided we would have a go at doing a wildflower count! Using small sorting hoops, the boys randomly placed the hoops on the ground, estimated how many daisies they could see and then had a go at trying to count them. We did find a lot of daisies!
A dragon had stolen all the colours in the arboretum this week, leaving us with a black and white world. Year 2 were given the challenge of trying to restore the colours back to the site. After chatting about what colours were missing, the boys used a stick and some double-sided sticky tape to try and collect as many of the missing colours as they could. Once the rainbow sticks were full, the colours could be returned to the arboretum!