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Pre-Prep News, Friday 24 January


In this photo, the boys are feeding the birds ahead of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend. Click the link to take part too!

From Mrs Hall

The Lent term always rushes by in a flash, but that doesn’t diminish its value in all the boys achieve and learn. The boys grow and flourish as they embrace the challenges and joys of everyday school life. This growth is especially evident during our open mornings when we proudly showcase the Pre-Prep. The boys consistently impress us with their politeness and enthusiastic interactions with visitors.

This week has been full of exciting learning moments across all year groups. A particular highlight for me was listening to the Year 1 boys during their French lesson, as well as seeing their enthusiasm for learning about castles. Year 2 impressed me with their excellent grasp of ‘bossy’ verbs—a skill they are mastering with great confidence! Meanwhile, Reception continues to shine as the boys grow in self-assurance, confidently moving around the department and interacting with the older boys and staff.

Looking ahead to this weekend, we encourage the boys to think about the ‘visitors’ they might spot in their gardens as part of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Please do join us for our ‘Winter Warmer’ evening on Thursday too. (see your SchoolPost of Thursday 21-Jan at 1630 to book.)

Have a wonderful weekend and happy birdwatching!

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Save the Dates !

Music Groups for Toddlers and Babies
Don't forget our toddler music group, Musical Shells and our Little Shells play sessions for pre-schoolers. We encourage you to spread the word to friends and family - all our welcome! (see flyers at the bottom of this newsletter).

Wednesday 29 January 


Christ Church visits Pre-Prep


from Thursday 30 January 


Musical Shells - 6 week course for pre-schoolers  (Admissions)


Friday 31 January
Friday 28 February

15:00-15:30 Pre-Pre Cathedral Assemblies, parents welcome.  

Friday 7 February


PPA Burns' Night, Pilgrims' Hall (book on My School Portal)


Saturday 8 February


Pilgrims' Parley, The Octagon (sign up on My School Portal)


Friday 7 March


PPA Quiz Night

Saturday 8 March  09:00

Pilgrims' Parley, The Octagon (sign up on My School Portal)


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Menus are available here on My School Portal. 
Reminder: no food is to be brought into the school and/or given to boys at any time, especially at sign-out.

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Pilgrims' Shell Awards this week:

Year 2: to Dario, for consistently doing his best.
Year 1: to Justin for the joy and interest he has shown in his learning this week. Well done, Justin!
Reception: to Hammie for showing 'integrity'; for doing the right thing in a reliable way.

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Mindfulness Commoner

Each week, Mindfulness Commoner starts with a breathing game to help teach the boys how to regulate themselves and to find some calm. Last week, we used star breathing and this week we practised pufferfish breathing, which did make us all laugh! Ask the boys to show you how to do it. We all certainly felt some release afterwards though.

The activities during the term will range from drawing and painting, to yoga, gardening and some cooking. Various activities will be chosen to help us find our calm. 

These past two weeks, we have tried breathing whilst moving our pencil across the page. Last week, we filled in the shapes we made with doodles. This week, we explored using watercolours as a calming hobby. We finish each session by lying on the carpet as starfish, completing a body scan and releasing any final tense feelings. The boys have really embraced the different activities and are looking forward to sewing next week.

Mrs Victoria Ford
Year 1 Teacher

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During our Literacy sessions in Reception Class, we have been looking at the text 'Poles Apart' by Jeanne Willis & Jarvis.  The boys very much enjoyed this story. 

The story is about the Pilchard-Brown penguin family going off to have a picnic and getting lost along the way.  They accidently end up at the North Pole!  We have learnt that polar bears live at the North Pole and penguins live at the South Pole, so they were a very long way from home. The penguin family and Mr White, the polar bear, soon become the best of friends as Mr White takes them on an adventure all the way back home, visiting different countries on the way.  

While reading and exploring the text we looked at the words that were used and how they linked to each country.  We also looked at the globe to see where these countries were located.

The boys then chose which country they were going to write about.  We have been learning how to write a sentence and what a sentence actually is. The boys are becoming more proficient at saying what they are going to write ahead of writing, thinking about how to spell each word in their sentence and which letters they need, how to lay this out on their paper, adding finger spaces, a capital letter to begin and a full stop to end!  Such a lot to remember! Good progress is being made with their new writing skills. Little and often writing practice really does help with this skill.  Great effort boys, well done.

Update on the igloo....the roof is now being assembled, and the boys are enjoying their new role-play space. Great team work!
Thank you all for your help collecting the milk bottles for us.

Mrs Sarah Huntley
Reception Teacher

Year 1


Our learning about castles has got into full swing this week. The boys can correctly identify many different parts of a castle including the battlements, keep, arrow slits, barbican, turrets, portcullis, drawbridge and moat. They have been challenged this week to build the battlements and keep of a castle out of Polydron, a construction shape resource. Many boys have used other construction resources in the classroom to include moats and drawbridges too. Their learning of this new terminology was really evident during our Art lesson this week when they were tasked with drawing a castle. They were happily reeling off the different parts of their castle that they were drawing to their friends around them using all the correct terminology! It made for a very happy afternoon.

Our Art lessons have a sketching focus to them this half term. We are investigating different types of pencils from HB through to 6B and what these different pencils can do to our drawing. We have experimented with different forms of creating texture from hatching and cross-hatching to shading and stippling. This week, we applied these sketching skills when drawing a castle. The results are truly impressive. Come and have a look at our wonderful castles in the Year 1 classroom. The boys will proudly tell you the exact names of the parts they have drawn too.

Mrs Victoria Ford
Year 1 Teacher


Year 2

The boys had a lot of fun whilst working on money this week. Yes, it is still a National Curriculum requirement that children can: 

  • recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value.
  • find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money.
  • solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change.
  • A trip to a local shop would be a great opportunity to put this into practice. 

Race to 100
The boys were challenged to take turns at rolling dice and adding the appropriate coin onto their race track, attempting to be the first one to reach 100. A really simple idea which can be played anywhere and extended to higher amounts. I was impressed with the boys' concentration and fair play.

Independence and responsibility
As we come to the close of the second full week of this Lent term, our thoughts turn to encouraging the boys to become more independent and responsible. We are preparing them for a smooth transition into Year 3. Therefore, Mrs Hall and I ask that you encourage your sons to carry their own belongings into the classroom and say goodbye at the front door. 

Mrs Maxine Kent
Year 2 Teacher

Forest School

It was very exciting this week, as it was our first chance to base our Forest School sessions in our wonderful new outdoor classroom. The shelter is a fabulous addition to our programme and provides the boy with some well-needed protection from the elements.

This weekend is the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Many people across the country will be carrying out surveys to see which birds visit their gardens. Please click on the link if you would like to take part.

Our outdoor classroom is the perfect place to do a bit of bird spotting from. After chatting about the different types of birds we might see, the boys in Year R had a fun, but sticky time making some delicious fircone fat balls for our birds. The boys also learned how to make a bird feeder using Cheerios and pipe cleaners. They proudly hung them on the bird feeders on the other side of the river bank.

The boys in Year 1 used their session to reconnect with nature and to become nature detectives. The boys were given a series of challenges and asked where possible to collect examples of their challenges and place them inside a hoop. The activity encouraged the boys to become more aware of their surroundings and observe nature more closely.

Only three British mammals truly hibernate. Year 2 learned some interesting facts about the little dormouse and spent some time understanding what sort of nest they like to hibernate in. With this information, the boys attempted to make their own nest in the grounds for our imaginary dormouse, with some very pleasing and cosy results!

Mrs Fiona Walker
Forest School and LAMDA Teacher

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PPA Upcoming events

(Go to My School Portal, Bookings & Forms to book)


Pre-Prep for pre-schoolers



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