Pre-Prep News, Friday 22 November

What a wonderful and eventful week we’ve had in Pre-Prep! Our days have been filled with learning, creativity, respect, and inspiration as we continue to build a sense of understanding and kindness in our community.
From Mrs Hall
Our Nativity rehearsals have begun! Excitement is in the air as we prepare for this year’s Nativity performance. The boys have already embraced their roles with enthusiasm, and it’s heart-warming to hear them practising their lines and songs. We can’t wait to see it all come together in the coming weeks and share this special moment with you.
A Visit from an Inspirational Guest
This week, we were incredibly fortunate to welcome a very special visitor, Nath Fernandes, to our school. Nath, who has cerebral palsy, is an inspiring individual who has achieved remarkable success. Amongst his accomplishments, he has set up several businesses, including a charity that educates children about disabilities, and a Lego robotic party company—an idea that absolutely thrilled the Year 1 boys! During his visit, Nath conducted engaging workshops with each year group, sparking meaningful discussions about disabilities such as blindness, deafness, and cerebral palsy. The boys had the opportunity to experience challenges like completing tasks while blindfolded, helping them develop empathy and a deeper understanding of what life can be like for those with disabilities. Nath also shared common challenges faced by wheelchair users and encouraged the boys to think about ways to help, fostering a sense of problem-solving and inclusivity. Despite having a severe speech impediment, Nath’s kindness, patience, and gentle demeanour made everyone feel at ease. After a few moments, the boys were able to tune into his speech and were eager to interact with him. Nath’s openness and warmth made this experience truly enriching for everyone.
Following our weekly focus on themes such as Respect and Anti-Bullying, and including our celebration of what makes us unique with odd socks day, Nath’s visit was a perfect extension of these lessons. We explored similarity and difference and reflected on how, even when someone’s life may look different from ours, we share so much in common. The boys left the workshops inspired, empathetic, and curious to learn more. Some of the Year 2 boys went straight back to class to write Nath notes and cards.
It has been a week filled with meaningful learning and heartfelt connections, and the boys have made each and every one of us proud!
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Shell Awards this week:
Year 2: to Rhys A-D for his respect and empathy.
Year 1: to Skerdi for his thoughtful engagement with Nath, our special visitor to the Pre-Prep, and stellar manners throughout the week. Well done, Skerdi.
Reception: to Maxi for settling into school life more confidently over the term and for being a calm and kind friend to others.
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Save the Dates !
Wednesday 27 November | 17:00-18:00 | Twilight Talk - Steve Brine (see SchoolPost of 20 November at 16:30 to book a seat) |
Thursday 28 November | 10:30-11:45 |
Balanced Babies Event for prospective parents Book here: Open mornings and events - The Pilgrims' School |
Friday 29 November | 15:00-15:30 | Pre-Prep Cathedral Assembly | ||
Friday 29 November | 19:00-21:00 | PPA Christmas Drinks in the Pilgrims' Hall for all parents (details to follow) |
Saturday 30 November | 08:15-09:15 | Wellbeing Matters LIVE: details to follow | ||
Tuesday 3 December | All day | Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas lunch for all boys Choristers sing at the switching on of Cathedral Christmas tree lights |
Wednesday 4 December | 15:00-16:00 | Christ Church visit Pre-Prep | ||
Thursday 5 December | 10:30 |
Thursday 5 December | 11:00 | Pre-Prep Nativity Dress Rehearsal | ||
Friday 6 December | 11:00-11:45 | Pre-Prep Nativity for parents (Details to follow) |
Monday 9 December | 08:15-08:45 | Pre-Prep Open Classrooms | ||
Tuesday 10 December |
Pre-Prep Open Classrooms Pre-Prep trip to Mother Goose pantomime |
Wednesday 11 December |
13:30 15:30 |
End of Term |
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After School Club and Commoners pickup times: Please remember to collect your sons promptly, either at 1630 when After School Club ends, or at 1800 when Supper Club ends.
Menus are available here on My School Portal.
Reminder: no food is to be brought into the school and/or given to boys at any time, especially at sign-out.
Holiday sport
Music Groups for Toddlers and Babies
Don't forget our new toddler music group, Musical Shells and our Balanced Babies group. For more details, please refer to the link on our website and our recent Social posts. We encourage you to spread the word to friends and family!
Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support.
Booking now available on My School Portal.
Book Club will next meet on Tuesday 10 December at 7pm, please join our WhatsApp group for further details.
We are now reading ‘Orbital’ by Samantha Harvey, WINNER OF THE BOOKER PRIZE 2024!
Pick up the book and join us, everyone welcome!
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Reception news
The Reception boys have been learning about 'subitising' in their Maths sessions recently. Subitising at its simplest, is being able to visually see a number of objects instantly without needing to count them out one at a time. We have been practising being able to see a group of objects and 'notice' straightaway what number there is in a group. The boys have found out that nature is incredibly clever and interesting. Natural items, such as seeds, acorns, conkers and pine cones, when thrown in the air, always land in ones, twos and threes!
When working with Miss Whitmore using natural items, the boys took turns to talk about what they 'noticed' about the landed conkers. For example, 'there is one conker here, two conkers here, one conker here and three over here'. When using a larger group of conkers, the boys were encouraged to talk about whether they could see any groups of such as fours, fives or sixes. This provided the boys with the opportunity to work on their composition of numbers one-six. For example, 'I notice a two and a two, and I know that makes four', or 'I notice a one and another one, and a two, and I know that one and one makes two and two and two make four'.
Games have also been played using pictorial cards with groups of natural items on them. The pictures were looked at closely to see if the boys could use their subitising skills. Some pictures were easier to subitise than others!
Incidentally, subitising groups of objects which form a pattern, such as spots on the dice, are far easier to subitise, up to 6, than randomly grouped items.
However, with randomly grouped items, we can still spot patterns and easily subitise up to three.
Try playing some dice games at home and encourage your son to name the number landed on the dice, rather than count the spots every time. You may also like to have a go at some fun interactive maths games together where subitising can also be practised:
Happy exeat weekend!
Mrs Sarah Huntley
Reception Class Teacher
Year 1 news
The Dark: Our English lessons are focused around a book called The Dark by Lemony Snicket and Jon Klassen this half term. To inspire the boys a little further, we listened to two pieces of music today that are from stories set in darkness: Danny Elfman's cinematic music from Edward Scissorhands and part of the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. The boys were not exposed to the pictures but the mood of the music helped the boys to think further about atmosphere. They were very engaged in this activity and really enjoyed exploring with the artistic medium of charcoal to produce their thoughts related to the music. We then tried to conjure up some images through words and phrases that we wrote on strips of paper. Tomorrow we shall try different ways of arranging these phrases to create an atmospheric poem about the dark.
As the story The Dark progresses (and as we read more of our class reader The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark), the boys are starting to understand that dark is not something to be feared but something that is necessary, kind, exciting, fun and thoughtful. That is the ultimate goal of this half term of learning.
David Attenborough’s Asia documentary (currently on BBC1 on Sunday evenings) included a recent clip showing the largest owl on our planet, the Blakiston's Fish Owl, going out fishing for supper for its young. The boys adore hearing the next instalment of Plop’s adventures in The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. They chuckle because he is ALWAYS hungry and his parents are ALWAYS hunting for him.
Mrs Victoria Ford
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2 news
This week the boys have been given the opportunity to let their imaginations run wild. I know they would correct me by saying Fly not Run.
First, we shared the story by David Almond, The Woman who Turned Children into Birds.
She made her marks. She whispered her words. Then she said, 'Go on. Be happy. Up you go.'
When Nanty Solo comes to town, she says she can turn children into birds. The parents are sceptical, but the children want to fly. And before very long, everyone does.
Next, the boys had fun with role play, meeting Nanty Solo, choosing a bird and flying. They looked up facts about their chosen bird, before finally writing a story about being a bird for a day. We look forward to sharing these with you during our Open Classroom session in a couple of week's time.
As we enter the busiest period of this term, we would urge you all to continue with reading with your boys each day. Little and often is proven to be the best policy.
And a gentle reminder please, to write in the reading record book, to assist with efficient book changing.
Nativity practice has begun, and the boys should all have brought home their lines to learn, again little and often, encouraging slow and clear speaking. We often find that taking the boys outside to practise their louder speaking voices is successful.
Mrs Maxine Kent
Year 2 Teacher
Forest School
Reminder: all boys need to bring a waterproof coat into school each week, along with waterproof trousers and wellington boots for their Forest School sessions. Hats and gloves are advisable too, in the colder weather.
The autumn trees are still looking wonderful, and provide us with much inspiration for Forest School.
What an exciting week it has been for Reception class. It was their first session at the Arboretum, and it was snowing! On our way to the arboretum we went on an autumn scavenger hunt, looking closely at the leaves, the trees, spotting any fungi on the ground or lichen growing on the trees. We even searched for some squirrels hurrying through the trees! The snow caused great excitement, and we tried to catch a few snowflakes on our tongues.
Year 1 had great fun making some wonderful autumn clay balls. Using a small ball of clay, the boys collected a selection of beautiful autumn leaves and attached these to the clay ball. As the leaves were added one by one, the ball of clay grew into a wonderful display of autumn colours.
Year 2's session is linked in with their science curriculum this week. The boys were asked to investigate everyday materials and discover why certain materials were used for particular purposes. They learnt to identify the properties of the selected materials.

Mrs Walker
Forest School and LAMDA Teacher
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