Pre-Prep News, Friday 14 February
Happy half-term everyone!
From Mrs Hall
This final week of the half term has been a busy and exciting one, with every year group enjoying special moments alongside their usual daily activities. The boys had a fantastic end to the week, proudly showcasing their talents in singing and gymnastics. It’s always a joy to see them excel and be recognised for their dedication and hard work. A huge thank you to Mr Greenwood and Mr Buck for their support and commitment in helping the boys reach their potential.
We truly appreciate your support throughout the term and wish you all a wonderful and restful break.
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Save the Dates !
Music Groups for Toddlers and Babies
Don't forget our toddler music group, Musical Shells and our Little Shells play sessions for pre-schoolers. We encourage you to spread the word to friends and family - all our welcome! (see flyers at the bottom of this newsletter).
Thursday 27 February
Musical Shells for pre-schoolers (pre-booked 6-week course. |
Friday 28 February |
Little Shells: hour-long play session for pre-schoolers |
Saturday 1 March |
09:30-11:30 |
Whole School Open Morning |
Friday 7 March |
19:00 |
PPA Quiz Night (book on My School Portal) |
Saturday 8 March |
09:00 |
Pilgrims' Parley, The Octagon (sign up on My School Portal) |
Monday 10 March |
tba |
Year 2 Parents' Evening meetings (information and booking process will follow) |
Tuesday11 March |
tba |
Reception and Year 1 Parents' Evening meetings (information and booking process will follow) |
Friday 21 March |
tba |
PPA Book Sale in the Yard |
Wednesday 26 March |
All day |
Reception trip to Manor Farm |
Thursday 27 March |
tba |
Pre-Prep Mother's Day in the Woods |
Friday 28 March |
15:30/16:30 |
Term ends for Easter holidays, returning: Thursday 24 April |
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Menus are available here on My School Portal.
Reminder: no food is to be brought into the school and/or given to boys at any time, especially at sign-out.
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What a super half term we have had in Reception Class. The boys worked very hard on all of their learning. It has been lovely to see their collaboration with each other develop over the term.
One particular project that has been ongoing has been the development of 'Windy Castle'! Just giving a large cardboard box and allowing imagination, collaboration and ideas to flow has been a huge success. The boys used their cutting, writing, speaking and listening, sharing, and imaginative skills superbly.
Highlights for this half term are shown in the photos that follow...
I hope you have a well-earned half-term break.
Mrs Sarah Huntley
Reception Teacher
Year 1
The events of the Battle of Hastings have captured the class’s imagination this week. You could have heard a pin drop in the classroom as the story unfolded during our Topic lessons. After listening to the various contenders to the throne in 1066 on the death of Edward the Confessor, the boys made informed predictions about who they felt would make the best king of England. Lively discussion ensued. They listened to all the information shared and were thoughtful in their responses. They unanimously agreed that neither a sickly 14-year-old nephew of the old king or a fierce tyrannical King of Norway would make sensible choices. After listening to the proceedings of 14th October 1066, it was decided that the battlefield where Harold and William met would not have been a nice place to be at the time. We learnt about the Bayeux Tapestry providing most of the information about the battle. The mythical creatures that adorn the tapestry sparked interest, as did the fact that William arrived with space in his boats for many horses and dogs too! Long good-humoured arguments bounced back and forth about whether Harold died by an arrow, sword or both. The boys proved themselves to be enquiring and probing historians.
The photos below show some of the Challenge Tasks that the boys have been required to complete independently this week during Free Choice time. It was great to hear the learning on display whilst the boys were talking about colouring different characters in the scene from the Bayeux Tapestry... "This must be Harold because his name is above him", "This shield shows a Saxon knight because of its shape", "This horse looks tired, he must have been working hard fighting".
Other Challenge Tasks involved Knights and Castles themed Snakes and Ladders, a castle to carefully cut and stick together, spelling castle-themed topic words and to correctly represent a digit using buttons to help reinforce the direction that digits must face, which requires constant practice in Year 1.
Mrs Victoria Ford
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
This week, Year 2 has been diving into the wonderful world of poetry, exploring the timeless works of A.A. Milne. The boys particularly enjoyed reading and analysing one of his poems, The End, which they memorised with great enthusiasm. They then recorded their own performances, showcasing their expressive reading skills and confidence! We were incredibly proud of their efforts and their ability to bring the words to life! In Maths, the boys have been deepening their understanding of doubling and halving, with a particular focus on the two times table. They have also been investigating odd and even numbers, spotting patterns and applying their knowledge to solve problems. It has been wonderful to see their mathematical confidence growing as they tackle these key concepts. In Topic, we explored the lives of two children—one from Edinburgh and one from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The boys engaged in thoughtful discussions about the differences and similarities between their daily lives, including education, food, and family routines. They showed great curiosity and empathy as they considered how different environments and cultures shape our experiences.
The boys thoroughly enjoyed watching the older boys perform Omelette, a modern twist on Hamlet. It sparked some fantastic discussions about William Shakespeare, and it was wonderful to see how engaged they were with the play. The boys appreciated the clever comedic timing, and many of the jokes were not lost on them! It was a great opportunity for them to see storytelling come to life in such an entertaining way.
Mrs Sarah Hall
Year 2 Teacher
Forest School
With calmer winter days this week, I took the opportunity to light our fire pit and cook popcorn and toast on the fire. These sessions are always popular with the boys as they learn how to behave around a fire, a chance to collect fire wood, help to build the fire and, of course, help to cook popcorn and toast. The older boys very much enjoy having the chance to use a flint and steel tool to try and create a spark. Lots of smiles and a few songs around the fire pit really does lift everyone’s spirits.
Year 2 also proudly hung up their ice art they created last week.
Happy half-term to everyone, and enjoy getting outside!
Mrs Fiona Walker
Forest School and LAMDA Teacher
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PPA Upcoming events
To book tickets for the Quiz, please go to My School Portal and the Bookings & Forms page to locate the form.