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Pre-Prep Forest School are looking after our wildlife


In this photo, the boys are feeding the birds ahead of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend. Click the link to take part too!

The Lent term always rushes by in a flash, but that doesn’t diminish its value in all the boys achieve and learn. The boys grow and flourish as they embrace the challenges and joys of everyday school life. This growth is especially evident during our open mornings when we proudly showcase the Pre-Prep. The boys consistently impress us with their politeness and enthusiastic interactions with visitors.

This week has been full of exciting learning moments across all year groups. A particular highlight for me was listening to the Year 1 boys during their French lesson, as well as seeing their enthusiasm for learning about castles. Year 2 impressed me with their excellent grasp of ‘bossy’ verbs—a skill they are mastering with great confidence! Meanwhile, Reception continues to shine as the boys grow in self-assurance, confidently moving around the department and interacting with the older boys and staff.

Looking ahead to this weekend, we encourage the boys to think about the ‘visitors’ they might spot in their gardens as part of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Please do join us for our ‘Winter Warmer’ evening on Thursday too. 

Have a wonderful weekend and happy birdwatching!

Mrs Sarah Hall
Head of Pre-Prep


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