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Book Club (part 1). Roald Dahl and the Roald Dahl Funny Prize.


In 2008, Book Trust and Michael Rosen, the Children's Laureate at that time, launched The Roald Dahl Funny Prize ...

...aiming to draw attention to funny children's books. The last prize was awarded in 2013 and recently Scholastic has collaborated with Rosen to create another prize to celebrate funny books.

During this half-term’s Book Club, we will focus on this prize and Roald Dahl’s books. Pupils are invited to read two books. One will be a Roald Dahl book of their choice; the other must be one of the titles listed below, all of which either won or were shortlisted for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize last time. 

Book 1 – a Roald Dahl book, pupil’s choice
These links will help pupils to make up their mind – the list in the link includes all Dahl’s books, therefore using the AR link will help to ascertain suitability:

Book 2Pupils must select one title from the following list which includes winning and shortlisted books for the 7-13 age category of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize. Check each book link for further information. Create a (free) login to to access the first chapter of each book. Accelerated Reader rating are added in brackets.

There will be two Cake Breaks: one for Years 3, 4 and 5 and one for Years 6, 7 and 8 during the last week of this half-term.

To join the Cake Break, pupils must read one book from each of the two groups outlined above. During the Cake Breaks we will chat about the books, the reasons that led to their choice and thoughts about them. In particular, it would be lovely to hear whether readers can spot similarities and differences in the styles and the brand of humour used in their chosen books.


Mrs Brill


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