Year 3 visit St John's Almshouses

Monday 15 November
On Monday, Year 3 were delighted to meet up with our friends from St John’s Almshouses for some readings, chat and fun! Rev'd Alison had put together some pictures for the boys to colour, cut out and hang on a ‘Jesse Tree’ which is now proudly displayed in the Chapel. The boys learned all about this ancient tradition.
Jesse Trees are a very old Christmas Tradition and first started in medieval times. The trees are used to help tell the story of the Bible from creation to the Christmas Story. The name comes from Jesse who was the Father of the great Jewish King David. One prophecy in the Bible, in the book of Isaiah, says:
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit.
A branch is a sign of new life and new beginnings. Jesus was a descendent of King David and Christians believe that Jesus is this new branch.
The first Jesse trees were large carvings, tapestries or even stained-glass windows put in churches that helped people who can't read or write to learn about the Bible, from creation to the Christmas Story.
It was lovely to be amongst the residents who we hadn’t seen since the summer term, and we hope to all be together again soon.
Miss Erasmus