We welcome Ian Power as our new Chair of Governors

Ian Power has been appointed by The Pilgrims’ School’s Governing Body, with the agreement of the Cathedral Chapter, as their new Chair of Governors.
Having spent his whole working life in education, Ian progressed from a physics and mathematics teacher in the maintained sector, to independent senior schools in 1986. He then took up the headship of an independent senior school in Hampshire and finally eleven years as a senior executive at the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC).
During this time, he has been a Governor of three independent prep schools and one maintained sector primary school, a board member and director of HMC, a director of the Independent Schools Council (ISC) and the Society of Heads, and for seven years the Chair of the board of the Independent Schools’ Teacher Induction Panel (IStip).
Since his retirement from HMC at the end of August 2020, Ian has maintained his interest in education through consultancy work with IStip, overseeing the introduction and implementation of the new two-year statutory induction process for early career teachers (ECTs), as well as acting as a mentor to a new independent school head (including advising the board and leading their recent strategy day).
Ian says, “I came to know Pilgrims’ during my time at Lord Wandsworth College and it will be a real pleasure and privilege to help to shape the future of the school.” Ian is married to Lynn, an Anglican priest in the Winchester Diocese. He says, “Pilgrims’ close connection with the Cathedral is of particular interest. It is clearly a relationship to be cherished and valued.”
The Very Reverend, Catherine Ogle Dean of Winchester, steps down as Chair of Governors since 2017 and take up the new pastoral (and non-governance) role of Visitor. She says, “I want to thank the Head and the Governors for their dedication, and for working with me so positively, as well as to the staff and the boys for their tremendous spirit, especially in the last 18 months. We can all look forward to the year ahead with confidence in the continuing achievements of a happy and successful school.”