Chorister Christmas cards for a worthy cause

As proud parents of one of the Head Choristers, Milly and Richard Coope have taken it upon themselves this year to create some gorgeous Christmas cards in collaboration with Live Event Artist, Lucy McLoughlin.
Stunning Chorister Christmas cards are on sale at the Winchester Christmas Market from now until Saturday 4 December, with all proceeds raised going to the Winchester Cathedral Choral Foundation to support both Boy and Girl Choristers.
Explaining the reason behind the creation of the cards, Richard said; "The Choristers have worked so hard over the last eighteen months, we want them to have something to look forward to - so we are fundraising for the Winchester Cathedral Choral Foundation and hope to undertake a potential tour next year."
Their son, Raffy, also had the opportunity to perform some of his magic tricks to the crowd during the opening weekend of the Christmas Market. Raffy recently won the Under 14 competition with the Magic Circle proving that choristers don't just sing!
Come and visit Chalet 99 in the Christmas Market (in the central food court) to buy some beautiful Christmas cards, notelets and prints. You'll be making a meaningful difference in supporting our Choristers.
Thanks to Lucy McLoughlin ( ) and Brightful ( ) for their kind support in making these beautiful chorister Christmas cards happen.