From the Base - Help and support for parents
For those who don't know, part of the reason my career changed direction four years ago was because of the struggles my wife and I were having with one of our children. One of my daughters developed worrying eating habits, which all turned out to be down to anxiety and low mood.
Years later, with treatment and support, she is doing pretty well, and her future, although not guaranteed, is just about as bright as any youngster.
I am very lucky; I have an amazing wife, a great family, and very good friends. The NHS did a good job for my daughter, but it was other adults that helped my wife and me through it all, and still do.
All our children present us with challenges; academic, social, behavioural. There are plenty of ways to receive support for many of these. It has occurred to me, however, that perhaps there might be a need and a desire for a Pilgrims' parental support group, especially regarding parenting and mental health. This would be an opportunity to share stories and learn from each other, as we all have unique experiences. Sometimes, just knowing others are in the same boat, is a big support.
Currently, I am proposing a Saturday morning Zoom. If you are interested, do keep a look out in the new year for this to begin. Also, do feel free to email me if you have any particular thoughts -
Mr Shroff