Being a parent is not easy. No way.

Hmmmmm. These days, being a child isn’t either.
I’ve recently made the decision (with my patient wife) to not hassle one of my own children about their appalling room or the way they leave trash around the house like a human vortex. And you know what? I find it liberating. With any luck, they will too. And maybe do something about that awful room and human trail of waste. Just, maybe.
Let’s all take it easy on ourselves and each other. Life it too short; focus on what is important; you won’t die wishing you’d been angry with your kids more, but you may well wish you could have one more hug or one more walk along the beach with them.
That’s what I like to do. Long walks, long talks, long lunches and long lattes. Less hassling, less worrying, less getting cross. Just, maybe.
Matt Shroff
Director of Wellbeing