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Artwork of the Week, Friday 24 March


Oliver!,  by Ben T (Year 8)

As I write this, our senior boys are watching the much-anticipated dress rehearsal for Oliver! (book & lyrics by Lionel Bart). The production runs on Tuesday and Thursday nights this week, and it promises to be a spectacular piece of musical theatre, in true Pilgrims' style.

It makes sense, then, that our 'Artwork of the Week' is the poster hand-drawn and coloured by the exceptional Ben T (Year 8). Ever since Ben handed this drawing to Mrs Duncan, Head of Drama and Producer of our production, it has caused quite a sensation at school with a highly praised preview in an academic staff meeting two weeks' ago.

Mr Duncan, our Interim Head, has awarded Ben a Head's Show Up for this outstanding piece of Art. I am also thrilled to publish here that Ben has been awarded an Art Scholarship to Sherborne School, which he will take up in September this year.

Well done, Ben! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to Art at Pilgrims'.

John Walters
Head of Art



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