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Year 3 Forest School


The majority of our session this week for Year 3 was about re-familiarising the boys with the site, identifying hazards, as well as understanding our Forest School expectations.

We then chatted about what it would be like to see things from different viewpoints. For example, what a mouse or hedgehog might see. The boys were given view-finders to explore the site in more detail, and to investigate how it might look if they were a small animal. Suddenly, tall undergrowth became a rainforest, plants became trees, and we were giants!

It was amazing to see the world from a different perspective. Time was also spent re-connecting with each other and working in teams to create some large woodland pictures.

Reminder: all boys must bring a waterproof coat, waterproof trousers and wellington boots to school each week for their Forest School sessions.

Fiona Walker
Forest School and LAMDA Teacher



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