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News from 'Commoners'


Debating Commoner: Christmas Term, Week 1

Motion: This house believes that aliens exist.

Proposition: Alvin F and Alfie L
Opposition: Soichiro and Tyler

It was a great start to the new school year, with both teams showing excellent promise and offering arguments supported by factual evidence. The proposition was able to define 'alien' and take ownership of the topic, providing a dazzling array of statistics that made me think about time and space. The opposition convincingly demonstrated the importance of the lack of actual evidence in this matter.

A special mention to Tyler and Soichiro in Year 6 for their bravery in participating and overcoming their nerves. Overall, the debate was very close, with only a half mark between the teams. With preparation and practice, it's clear that we will have some fierce competition this term. Bring it on!

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Next week the motion is: This house believes that electric cars should be introduced as fast as possible to help the environment.

Proposition: Zachary S and Nathan C
Opposition: Alvin F and Mathew Z

Joy Bailey
Head of History


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