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Cubs try to find their way


In true Cub tradition, everyone was prepared for Wednesday night's Cub session. The boys were going to earn their Navigator Staged Award with a scavenger hunt around the Christmas Market, picking up some festive treats along the way.

The Year 4s made it past the school gates and found their way to the Burtie Learning stall on the Christmas market where they were rewarded with a gold coin and further instructions. Alas, most of the Year 5s were delayed back from away rugby matches and then a good number of the Pack were due on the ice rink by 7pm sharp for some skating fun with their fellow Junior boarders. So no badges this time, but we're all set for next term - and the Year 4 Cubs looked as though they enjoyed their burger and hot chocolate tea. 

It's been a fantastic Cub term and we've enjoyed working with the boys. Happy Christmas to them all, and a huge thank you to all the parent helpers. 

Tagged  Juniors  Boarders 

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