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Welcome back!

The start of a new academic year is very exciting. Never mind that gearing up for it is a whirlwind of frenetic activity; once the term is under way, it presents us with fresh opportunities to grow, learn, explore and participate in a myriad of activities. 

I find it quite hard to not look back though. I sometimes get a little stuck in the past, and struggle to move on from the spectre of lost opportunities and past disappointments. I have to remind myself of the analogy of driving a car in the direction you want to go in; you can’t move forward safely whilst looking in the rearview mirror. Life presents us with many opportunities to put what is in the past behind us, and we need to be open to the possibilities that a new year, new circumstances, and renewed channels of support can offer us. 

With this in mind, I welcome you all back to Pilgrims’ for what is set to be an amazing year! However, if there are ever any bumps in the road that need some careful navigating, please do feel free to speak to anyone on the Pastoral Care Team. The following are a group of people here at school whose role it is to help in any way we can when the need arises. 

I look forward to many chats around school as you come in to support your sons. 

Craig Cuyler
Designated Safeguarding Lead/Director of Wellbeing/Head of PSHEe

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