A new year, A new term

First and foremost, a very Happy New Year to everyone!
I do hope the festive season proved a good break, with plenty of rest, family time and joy - and that most managed to avoid the patches of flu and illness that are so often around at this time of year. My apologies for the length of my first newsletter piece of the term, but do please take a moment to give it your time, right down to the details of ‘Pilgrims’ Parley’ towards the bottom…
The Carol Service seems a long time ago now, but it was – once again – a most special shared moment in our school life. To those of us living with your remarkable sons day-in, day-out, it is too easy to become a fraction blind to quite how rare and extraordinary the experience of a Pilgrims’ carol service is in this day and age. It was salutary, therefore, to receive the following words from The Right Honourable Russell Gordon-Smith, Mayor of Winchester, in a lovely letter sent after he attended this, his first, and I thought I would share them:
‘I was quite stunned by the musical skills and versatility of so many of the pupils. A quite profound experience, particularly in the venue of the cathedral. The standard of the lesson reading was superb, read at the right speed and with drama. Please pass my congratulations on achieving such high standards to the pupils and staff.’
Following the carol service, whilst most were relaxing into the early days of the holidays, a core of Quiristers not struck by coughs and sneezes performed at the annual charity carol concert at St Luke’s, Chelsea, and did a great job. And an enormous ‘well done’ to the dubbed Choristers for another excellent Choir Time in the lead up to Christmas Day. They too did a wonderful job, with numerous outstanding services. These Christmas cathedral services are always such a special experience and I warmly encourage as many local families as possible to come and share in one or two next year.
It has been fantastic to welcome the community of boys, staff and parents back together after a break, and the first two days have definitely had a great buzz about them. The staff had a super two days of INSET earlier in the week. At Wednesday’s sessions on teaching and learning, led by Mr Reid and by an external specialist on neurodiversity, I was reminded afresh of the quality we have in our teaching staff: the richness of discussion and contribution was outstanding and I wished we could have somehow captured that for all to experience!
We have welcomed new faces to the staff this term, with Miss Niki Wilkins joining as a Year 4 class teacher and our new Gappies - Isaac, Charlie, Meg and Jess – freshly arrived from the Antipodes. Please do say hello and get to know them over the coming weeks: they’re a great bunch.
Over the closing weeks of last term, those parents who frequently use the back gate leading off the far end of College Street will have seen the construction of our new outdoor classroom by the Winton Building in the riverside garden. This will soon be stained to help blend it into the space and, as Spring comes, planting and potting around its edges will be used to blend it in further… the aim is for it to become as natural-feeling as possible. It will be a super space for our Pre-Prep Forest School classes, as well as expanding the possibilities within the riverside garden as a learning space and quiet leisure space at breaks. We can even foresee that in due course it could be great for small performances too, and possibly even the occasional PPA drinks party too! Its construction has been possible thanks to the generous donations of the last two years’ leavers’ parents, with a contribution too from the Pilgrims’ Parents’ Association (PPA). The boys will be being asked for suggestions as to what we might name it and with these elements together, we will engrave a brass plaque and enjoy a formal opening at the outset of the Summer Term, when the weather is kinder.